Salesforce Einstein Analytics

Supercharge customer interactions with Einstein Analytics solutions for every line of business

Salesforce Consulting Detroit
Salesforce Consulting Detroit

Service Analytics

Discover insights for every channel and customer conversation. Automatically populate dashboards with Service Cloud data, and gain visibility into your business with omni-channel, chat, activity, and backlog analysis. Then, embed customer service dashboards anywhere in your CRM to increase visibility within the company and promote collaboration.

Salesforce Consulting Detroit

Einstein Analytics Platform

Bring in and blend data from all your Salesforce orgs, as well as external sources, like Amazon Redshift. Data prep tools allow you to easily manipulate and clean the data, and the visual dataflow designer simplifies the entire process, eliminating the need for JSON.

Salesforce Consulting Detroit

Einstein Discovery

Get answers to key business questions — including what happened, why it happened, what could happen, and what to do about it — by letting Einstein Discovery analyze millions of data combinations in a matter of minutes.

Salesforce Consulting Detroit

Sales Analytics

Import all your relevant data into your analytics dashboards, thanks to Sales Analytics’ seamless integration with Sales Cloud. As part of Salesforce, it also gives you the same speed, scale, and security you already enjoy.